ONLINE REGISTRATION OPENS AUGUST 1ST via Aspire/SIS click on link below to access.
All LPS parents need to re-register each student and verify address & emergency contacts. Our district uses the parent notification program, Blackboard, which requires a primary cell phone number for text notifications & emergencies.
If you are a new student we will need a copy of your student’s birth certificate and current immunization records. The school will be open from 8-3 on August 5 & 6 for registration.
If you have a student going into 7th grade these immunizations are required before attending school. Varicella (chickenpox), Tdap booster, and meningococcal vaccines. If your child is exempt please provide the proper exempt forms to the office.
If you have any questions or are needing to register a student. Please email kelleya@kanek12.org or call 435-644-6321. If no one answers please leave a message and someone will call you back as soon as possible.